National Association of HBCU Students
and Alumni
Network. Advance.
The mission of the The National Association of HBCU Students and Alumni is to connect HBCU members worldwide in sharing platforms, ideas and resources. Our main focus is providing representation of the HBCU voice in areas where our insight can be most impactful. We are also excited about working with Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) to further the goals of access and inclusion nationwide.
Our members will have the opportunity to connect with the HBCU community across the world.
The network will offer professional trainings on education, leadership and entrepreneurship
Funding is provided to underrepresented students who wish to attend HBCUs for undergraduate and graduate study.
We will circulate employment opportunities to HBCU Alumni and students.
Discussion Forums
Our platform will allow discussion on topics which could most impact the word of education pertaining to HBCUs.
Members are encouraged to serve as mentors to current HBCU students across the country.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have been the vehicles in providing post-secondary education to African-Americans. With 107 current HBCUs producing hundreds of thousands of graduates each year, NAHSA's main mission is to provide a forum in exchanging ideas, philosophies and techniques in the advancement of HBCU students and alumni across the world. Many of today's leaders in the African-American community received their education and developed life skills from their time enrolled at HBCUs. Our goal is to create and enhance academic and professional opportunities for the next generation of leaders.
Annual Individual NAHSA membership is FREE for HBCU/HSI Alumni, Campus Personnel and Current Students.
Your membership allows:
Access to Educational scholarship programs for underrepresented students attending HBCUs/HSIs
Development of partnerships serving HBCU/HSI alumni and students
Mentor programs for current HBCU/HSI students
Coordination of platforms to enhance NAHSA representation
Viewing of the "HBCU/HSI Alumni Guest Lecture Series"
Invitations to Professional Development Webinars & Workshops